Rabu, 23 April 2014

Indonesian Economic System Differences With Developed Countries

In the world , can states are divided into developed countries, developing countries or newly industrialized countries . Developed countries is the name for a country that enjoys a relatively high standard of living through high technology and equitable economic . Most countries with high GDP per capita is considered a developing country . However, some countries have achieved high GDP through the exploitation of natural resources ( such as phosphorus and Nauru by making Brunei Darussalam through the decision without developing the petroleum industry are diverse , and economically based - services are not considered to have the status of ' developed countries ' . Observers and theoretical look at the reasons different why some countries ( and others not ) to enjoy high economic growth . Plenty of reasons stated economic development requires a combination of government representatives ( or democracy ) , a model of a free market economy , and the lack or absence of corruption . several looked rich countries became rich because of exploitation of poor countries in the past , through imperialism and colonialism , or in the present , through the process of globalization . examples of countries that can be regarded as developed countries , among others , the United States , Hong Kong , Netherlands , Portugal , Spain and many more . while developing country is a country with an average low income , relatively underdeveloped infrastructure , and human development index is less than the global norm . This term began to rid the Third World , a term used during the Cold War . The development includes the development of a modern infrastructure ( both physical and institutional ) and a movement from low value added sectors such as agriculture and natural resource extraction . The application of the term ' developing countries ' to the less developed countries is not considered appropriate when the state case is a poor country , the country that did not experience growth economic situation , and also has experienced a sustained period of economic downturn . While the State is the new industry classification of countries that have a very good economy but has not reached the stage of developed countries . Another requirement of a state is said to newly industrialized countries is based on the results of its exports . Some newly industrialized countries is expected to lead the global economy in 2050 , among others , China , India , Brazil and Mexico . Why 2050 ? Because these countries of course requires considerable time , in theory , to be called a developed country that leads the world economy .
Economic system in general can be divided into 4 types , namely :
1 . The traditional economic system
The characteristics of the traditional system are :
- Production techniques studied hereditary and simple
- Just a little use of capital
- Exchange is the barter system ( goods with goods )
- Not familiar with the division of labor
- Still tied to the land as the foundation of traditional production activities and sources of prosperity
Traditional system has advantages such as :
- There is no unfair competition
- Relationships between individuals are very closely
- People feel secure because there is no strong burden that must be borne
- Not individualistic
The weakness of this include:
- The technology used is simple
- Low productivity
- The quality of the goods produced is low
However , now there is no country that adheres to the traditional system , because the problem is emnjadi productivity resulting from this system are low so it can not meet the needs of the community again . This system is only used by the tribes living in remote areas , such as the Bedouin tribes who still use this system in their daily lives .
2 . Market economy system
Is the economic system in which all economic activities ranging from the production , distribution and consumption depend on the market mechanism . Characteristics of the market system are :
- Everyone is free to have the goods , including capital goods
- Everyone is free to use its goods and services to carry out economic activities aimed at obtaining profit
- All economic activity was conducted by the public ( private )
- The government did not intervene in the market
- Competition done freely
- The role of capital is vital daln economic activity
The advantages of this system include:
- Foster initiative and creative community in regulating economic activity
- Each individual has free production resources
- The emergence of competition for forward -
- High-quality goods produced because bad stuff will not be sold on the market
- High efficiency and effectiveness because every economic action based on the profit motive
The weakness of the market system are :
- The difficulty of redistributing income
- Tends to be the exploitation of the workers by the owners of capital
- The emergence of a monopoly that could harm the public
- Frequent turmoil in the economy due to errors by individual resource
3 . Centralized economic system
Is the economic system in which the role of government is dominant and influential in controlling the economy . Economic policies governed entirely by the government . The advantages of this system include:
- Better control of government such as economic problems , inflation , unemployment and so on
- The domestic goods market running smoothly
- The government can intervene in the price formation
- Relatively easy to carry out the distribution of income
- Rare economic crisis
while the weakness of the centralized system is
- Turn off individual initiative to advance
- Frequent public monopoly merugukan
- People do not memukuju freedom in choosing resources
4.Sistem a mixed economy
Is the economic system that combines a market economy and a centralized system , in which the government and the private sector interact in solving economic problems . The hallmark of the system is a mixture of :
- Capital goods and vital resources controlled by the government
- The government can intervene to make the rules , set fiscal policy , monetary , assist and supervise the activities of the private
- The role of government and the private sector balanced
- Take advantages and reduce the disadvantages of centralized systems and the market economy and is intended to improve the welfare of the people
Developed countries are no generally adopts a market economy like the United States , Hong Kong , the Netherlands , Portugal and Spain . Because the market system to stimulate the creativity of its people to compete with each other to produce goods tebaik . But there is also a developed country like France which adopts a mixed economy . Indonesia itself can be said to embrace a mixed economic system . While Naju state that adopts a centralized economy example is the Soviet Union in the cold war era .
Economic system adopted by most developed countries is perkonomian systems market . Right Kuga centralized economic system has been proven to be the welfare of the people as did China Is Indonesia if you want to be a developed country should change its economic system ? I think not . Economic system that we have now been able to make Indonesia to compete with other countries . The problem is that Indonesia should be able to run the economic system is free of corruption , bribery and mafia law that exists today .
World Youth differences Indonesia and Australia
' What a world of difference teenage Indonesia and Australia ? ' I got this question a while ago , and in this article , I try to answer what I think about the world of teenage Indonesia and Australia .
I think that the world young people in Indonesia and Australia is different , partly because of the school systems in the two countries differ . I think the world of school greatly affect the world of teenagers because teenagers are in school at least half a day . So here I will try to review the differences are influenced by differences in the school world .
Opinions Reveals Opportunity

Australian schools have class sizes smaller than Indonesia (at most 30 students ) . The class sizes allow students to actively express their opinions and be creative . Bermasalahpun children get education so that teacher assistants can still pay attention to every child in the class well .
Indonesian schools have an average of between 30-45 students in each class . This makes Indonesian students have the opportunity to express their opinions are smaller than the Australian students . Not enough time to listen to the opinion of every student because too many students . No education assistant for troubled students , so it may well be that there are students who are not considered because the teacher noticed another student .
Determining exam Move Up or Not

In Indonesia , there are exams every semester , every year , and for certain classes of existing national exam . The results of this test will determine whether they will go up a class and repetition . In Australia there is a test anyway , but the kids will still go up grade their exam results anyway . The distinguishing characteristics of this test influence the attitudes of students in the school .
In Indonesia , the teachers can not ignore the test so they are trying to teach what will be tested to the students . Indonesian students will be more serious and easily manageable to learn because learning otherwise they will fail the exam . And if it fails the test , they do not go up the class and they will be ashamed of themselves . Social sanctions do not ride enough weight class in my opinion . Students who are not going to lose the next grade classmates ( because his friends go up to a higher level while he is not ) and is considered stupid by the social environment . Therefore students will really try to go up a class .
In Australia, although there is a test , the children do not learn was not a problem , because if they fail to keep up a class . It makes the students more relaxed and more Australian unruly .
Life on the Outside School
Homework ( PR )
In Indonesia , the teachers give homework and group assignments . These circumstances make Indonesian students provide 1-3 hours each day for homework or group work . While in Australia the teachers trying to not give homework . All work is completed in school , so that Australian teenagers have more time to rest or play .
Extracurricular Activities
In Indonesian schools , there are plenty of extracurricular activities in which students must choose one activity . The event, which is usually accompanied by a teacher after school begins and lasts approximately 1.5 hours . Because of this , students can be active at the school from 7 am to 4 pm . They do not have much free time to play after school for homework may already waiting to be done . While in Australia , the disciples did not stay in school after the lesson is completed . They should go home or seek their own activities .
Les / Tutorial
Still related to the exam is regarded as something very important , Indonesian students who feel less able to understand the lessons learned go in the afternoon at additional institutions . Some are choosing to call the tutor come to the house .
The conclusion that I can draw from the above circumstances is spare time Indonesian students more limited compared with Australian students . Selebih it , they are the same activity as that of teenagers around the world . Most like to exercise , partly to his love of music , some like to play PS most like to read books and others.
The difference with the German Indonesian Education
Actually a lot of differences between schools in Germany and Indonesia . Of the system alone , it had a different education . In Germany , Pre university education was only 2 kinds , namely primary education ( Grundschule ) and secondary education ( Gymnasium , Realschule , or Berufschule ) . If in Indonesia , Pre university education there are three kinds , namely primary and junior - high school . In terms of time is also different , in Indonesia takes 12 years ( normal ) prior to the university level , while in Germany it took 13 years . Writing about the German education system can be found HERE .
I wish to discuss is not a matter of "technical " education as above . I am interested in writing I Made Wiryana in a mailing list about education in Germany . He wrote that the concept of education in Germany is right to get education tend equalization . It applies to foreigners or Germans living in Germany . This means that the concept of precedence is the distribution of educational attainment than the tops of the study results .
He gave the example that when the lower PISA results , the entire German panic . However , when there are children who can present Germany "the best xxxx in the race science " , people consider it normal. It is proportional to the Indonesian extremely proud of the achievements of the nation that the name of Indonesia in the world .
Another example is if your career as an educational institution wants to advance in Germany , you have to move to smaller campuses ( in small towns ) . He explained that the principle of making equalization quality of education is naturally occurring . And again , this is different with Indonesia . Indonesian people tend to have a habit of " smart together with clever " and " together with the rich richer " .

Seeing the conditions above , makes me smile . I believe the quality of education in Indonesia could increase dramatically . The main requirement is only 2 kinds , pemeratan education and appreciation of educational achievement . That's it. If both conditions are met , I am sure more and more Indonesian children who excel in the international arena and all Indonesian children can go to school

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